Falcon - Help

Falcon HTML Basics
Information about creating web sites on falcon.tamucc.edu
Where does the web stuff go?

The directory where your web page(s) reside is setup when your falcon account is created.
All of the web pages and graphics that you wish the campus community to view must be placed in the "html" directory located in your falcon home directory.
The command to change to the "html" directory once you are logged into falcon is:

     cd html

What do I need to do to make a page appear?

The first page people will see on your site must be called index.html. Use a web page editor to create the first web page and name it index.html. Use an SFTP program to transfer the web page and any pictures up to falcon. Please contact The IT Service Desk (Ext. 2692) if you dont know how to use SFTP.
Once your files and pictures are on falcon in your "html" directory you need to make sure the permissions are set correctly.
The command to see a list of the files in your "html" directory and their permissions is:

     ls -l *

You should see something like:
     -rw-r--r-- 1 IslandID users 3456 May 4 09:43 index.html
-rw-r--r-- 1 IslandID users 1255 May 4 09:44 mypicture.jpg

The "-rw-r--r--" indicates the current premissions on the listed files. If your files are not like this then you will not be able to see them on the web.
The command to set the permissions for your files is:
     chmod 0644 filename

Web pages and pictures that you wish to appear on your falcon web site should not contain blanks or other characters in their names. The names will also be case sensitive!
Good File and Picture Names:

Additional information

As faculty the URL for your main page should be:


The URL will bring up the file index.htm or default.htm in your "html" directory.
If you would like to go to another file the URL would be:

As staff the URL for your main page should be:

The URL will bring up the file index.htm or default.htm in your "html" directory.
If you would like to go to another file the URL would be: